Monday, February 25, 2013

My Favorite Web Site

I visit Youtube a lot. I use it not only for video searches, but also for music. I really like the fact that the latest videos are always posted on the home page as well as what is trending. This allows a person to keep up with what others are thinking and the attitude of the general populace. The suggested video or "related" video section is now remembering what I last watched and it brings up videos from my past viewing. This is convenient as I don't have to search for whatever video I last saw to find one that I was interested in. you don't have to be logged into Youtube either to view most videos and that is also a plus. YouTube is very user friendly as well. It doesn’t take much to figure it out and set up a customized video that includes imbedded links, comment options and more. Because we are in an information age most companies feel compelled to keep up with the modern trends and this often leads to many updates/changes in the platform. YouTube does a great job of keeping up yet not annoying there audiences with so many drastic changes that you have to learn all over again (like Facebook)

On the flip side I really dislike how the new player doesn’t buffer while you pauses it. The old ones would buffer as long as the page was up. This allowed a person to have multiple pages up and view them as they loaded back to back. To save bandwidth they now only load so far and quit. This is very annoying when you are trying to watch a documentary or something along those lines. I would suggest that they find another way to conserve bandwidth as there are other forms of compression. I really wish they had another way to rate if a video should be restricted to mature audiences. Most videos aren't a problem, however, there are many that you have to log in for that are fine for regular audiences.

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