Monday, February 18, 2013

5.11 HW

5.11 HW
Curriculum Changes:
University President French, set to change graduation requirements this fall. A recent study showed only 15 percent of students took a foreign language and 20 percent a math course. The college responded by adding a math, computer science and foreign language class requirements to all majors. “We feel that these new course requirements will allow us to turn out better educated persons.” Said French.
Homecoming queen arrested for driving under the influence. Cathy Bensen, a 22 year-old Vanderbilt senior in biology, was arrested for the third time driving drunk in six months. The straight-A cheerleader has refused to comment at this time.
Record Weather:
A 1888 record broken for hottest temperature in Port Columbus. The high yesterday was 82 degrees around 3:30 pm.

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