Every Country has its Beginning and end. Its logical, if something starts it must finish. In the past, you have the Babylonians, Persians, Ethiopians, Spartans, Romans and even England. They all had a peak, yet have ended or declined. All were dominate powers of the world in their day. Sir Alex Tytler studied the American democracy system and concluded the following:
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship."
-Sir Alex Fraser Tytler (1742-1813)
"The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
- From bondage to spiritual faith;
- From spiritual faith to great courage;
- From courage to liberty;
- From liberty to abundance;
- From abundance to complacency;
- From complacency to apathy;
- From apathy to dependence;
- From dependency back into bondage."
In 1776, Edward Gibbon, a British historian, wrote on the decline of the Roman Empire in his first volume. He founded a five part theme that can be modeled:
- The undermining of dignity and sanctity of the home, which is the basis of human society.
- Higher and higher taxes and the spending of public money for free bread.
- The Mad craze for pleasure
- The building of gigantic armaments when the real enemy was within: the decadence of the people.
- The decay of religion—faith fading into mere form—losing touch with life and becoming impotent to guide the people.
The age of romanticism gave way to realism around the 1900's. People began to question the source of their prosperity as writers of literature shifted the populace. Naturalism soon took over to the rise of Secular Humanism. This marks the beginning of it's fight with Christianity. The religious shift of the humanist started redefining family values leading to the first and fifth point of Gibbon's study on Rome. The notion of God was questioned as who needs Him when you are doing well? This warranted complacency to take over the abundance America was experiencing. The depression stalled this as people got a rude awakening. Socialistic principals were soon introduced from the Marxism-Leninism ideology. This slowed down the process of decline and made America able to continue its course without facing the immediate results. The National Bank and federal Reserve were established and we gave the power of our nation to other people. Inflation came to be.
The Roman government began differently but did the same to import comfort items in its society. It also began as a republic and evolved into a hybrid democracy with the Caesars leading. Rome also started inflating their money by reducing the percentage of silver in a coin. This functioned to finance wars and luxury items. The abundance caused the society to sink into apathy. Caesar continued building up his military conquest by stealing from the citizens economy. With apathy dominating, higher taxes and spending of the public money for bread was established. The Roman people were kept busy with sponsored free food and games.
We jump started the American economy with WWII. The Army needed tanks and rounds to fight. Like Rome, America went back to work with the new socialistic systems in place. Our abundance led to a complacency in the security of government. why not? we were winning the wars and the economy was good in light of the depression. Like Rome, The Federal Reserve started stealing from America to fund wars. The result was the massive build up of the industrial military complex we see today. America is approaching the 50 percent mark of its citizens totally dependent on the government as Rome was. They fell after their citizens where to lazy to defend their borders against invaders. This was because of the family units total corruption. Who would think Rome could fall? they were the greatest civilization on earth and must be immune to destruction. Both citizens were being entertained and kept apathetically busy when the real enemy was in their own governments'.
Like America Rome was experiencing the break down of the family unit through wide spread homosexuality, Killing of babies in public temples (abortion) and the divide of the family through entertainment. Rome took it to areas we haven't got to as men were legally able to kill their entire house hold if they chose, children were subject to sex, bestiality orgy's grew common in public and sex was common to engage with anyone of a lower social status. In America, we see the rise of homosexuality, polygamy behind that and media content getting more debased. We haven't seen nearly what Rome had but are on a quick path in that direction. The rage of pleasure led from apathy to dependence on the government in both civilizations.
We are in the verge of leaving the apathy/dependency phase to bondage. There is little difference between e and America in all categories. America has given the government your money to devalue, the raising of your children, your job market, control of business, your health care decisions and soon your weapons. The government is reducing your defence by downsizing the military. This will leave us venerable to an attack like the Romans. Our debt is already past the point of return. There is no return!!
We are starting to enter hyper inflation and have our debt compounded into oblivion. This is surpass all domestic product revenue. What is Obama's response? Keep spending. The similarities of America to Rome is scary and there is nothing left for our destiny to be the same as theirs (2016 Obama's America).
“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
― Edmund Burke
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