Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Department Head

For more information contact
Jared Hindericson
(458) 856.2017

For Release immediately.


     Wilkinson has resigned his position as head of the purchasing department at Mountain East Medical Center. After 38 years, He has agreed to take a job offer as a purchasing agent with City Memorial Hospital.
     Johnny Toler, the 13 year old assistant to this department will be stepping up to the plate. Tolers background is pharmacy and came to the hospital in 1978. He was moved to assistant of purchasing when the hospital's pharmacy closed 13 years ago.
     Toler's wife, Carolyn, is head of the gynecology department at the hospital. They both have two children.
     MEMC's Administrator, Harry Illscott commented: "Bob's abilities will be greatly missed at this hospital, but I know Johnny Toler is a person we can all depend on to do whatever is necessary to keep his department going."
    Toler responded: "This hospital means a great deal to me and my family, and I will give my best efforts to making our purchasing department the best. I learned from a fine man- Bob Wilkinson-and I hope to continue to build on the foundation he established."
     Bob Wilkinson graduated in 1972 from the state university's hospital administration. He worked as a purchasing chief at a small community hospital until he was hired on in 1975.
     Mountain East Medical Center is committed to bringing your family the best state of the art treatment available. With 9 million patients every year we have only the best physicians on staff. Looking out for you is our purpose. Strong people. Strong families. Strong community.

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